Wyatt, the FAFSA chatbot

Wyatt is an AI-powered chatbot designed to answer students’ questions as they fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to get help paying for college.

I led the development of the Wyatt brand identity, website, and resources to help educators and school counselors across the country share Wyatt with students applying for college. When FAFSA completion numbers plummeted as a result of a delayed application rollout, I helped execute a successful multi-channel marketing campaign that delivered over 10,000 new users in three months.

Creative direction

Working with an outside creative director and an in-house graphic designer, I led the development of the Wyatt visual identity, brand messaging, and promotional video.  


I wrote copy for the Wyatt website and a customizable resource kit to help educators and counselors spread the word about Wyatt.

Digital marketing campaign

Our promotional efforts included search engine marketing (SEM) campaign, for which I wrote and set up a number of Google Search Ads. These ads achieved a 37% conversion rate — 7x above industry average — and delivered the lion’s share of new Wyatt users.

Other tactics that proved effective at reaching students were a TikTok influencer campaign that delivered 2x the number of influencer videos as our original goal and a series of short YouTube ads.